MRL-EPT: Eurobalise Acceptance/Production Tester
Eurobalise devices are mostly analogue devices. And as such they are more sensitive to reproducibility issues. Unfortunately, depending on the supplier or the aging of Eurobalises, they do not perform as necessary on the track. This is caused by one of 3 main reasons: 1) the balise is not compliant anymore, 2) it is suffering from interference or 3) there is interference in the place where it is placed.
The Subset-036 Eurobalise compliancy: The solution for the 1st issue (balise not compliancy) can be addressed at on a 1st analysis with MRL-EPT (Eurobalise Production Tester). The checklist is: Central Frequency, Frequency Deviation, MTIE, Jitter, Impedance, interface C and a number of proprietary tests that reduce significantly the risk of failure in the field.
Performance: Fully automated test for all the above-mentioned tests is performed in less than 10min,providing a report with the summary of the result that can follow the documentation of the Balise.
The 2nd analysis or the interference (Subset-116) and deeper analysis will require the use of the accredited Laboratory and eventually a full accredited test campaign following Subset-085, Subset-116 and some of our proprietary additional tests to Subset-085.
Beyond Standards: The Multitel Maintenance Tools provide support to Eurobalises following Subset-036 and Subset-085 for some tests, the most relevant ones, supposing that the device design was once fully certified but not only. In many cases, the tests performed are outside the scope of Subset-085 tests and indeed need extra test procedures that check the compliancy with additional requirements developed by Multitel, together with Infrastructure Managers across many countries, as a result of availability issues found during operations.
BTM (Balise Transmission Modules) are antennas that are connected to the onboard unit and read the telegrams of Eurobalises in ERTMS. These devices are mostly analogue devices. And as such they are more sensitive to reproducibility issues. Unfortunately, depending on the supplier or the aging of BTM, they do not perform as necessary on the track. This is caused by one of 3 main reasons: 1) the BTM is not compliant anymore, 2) it is suffering from interference or 3) there is interference where it is placed.
MRL-BPT (Multitel BTM Production Tester) can perform the following tests of chapter 5 SS85:
- 5.2.5 Transmission test
- 5.2.8 Electrical Up-link Signal Charateristics (including MTIE and Amplitude Jitter)
- 5.2.12 Handling of Various Telegrams
- 5.2.13 Handling of Balise Sequences
- 5.2.14 Fundamental concepts of Balise Receiver
- 5.2.6 Electrical Telepowering characteristics (option)
MRL-BPT Presentation and Interfaces:
BPT is composed of 2 parts:
- a 24 U -19 inches rack cabinet with rackable equipments
- a table with BTM antenna holder.
Performance: Fully automated test for all the tests above is performed in less than 20min, providing a report with the summary of the results, that can follow the documentation of the BTM.
Beyond Standards: The Multitel Maintenance Tools provide support to Eurobalises following Subset-036 and Subset-085 for some tests, the most relevant ones, supposing that the device design was once fully certified but not only. In many cases, the tests performed are outside the scope of Subset-085 tests and indeed need extra test procedures that check the compliancy with additional requirements developed by Multitel, together with Infrastructure Managers across many countries, as a result of availability issues found during operations.
Extend existing ERTMS Standards:
With MRL-SCT-LED you can edit, add and remove packets, messages, variable from the existing standards (ERTMS, CTCS, KRTMS…). In particular, you can edit Packet 44 in ERTMS, so you can add your own packets, create new libraries and with the complement of TCD (Test Case Designed) to create your new test cases for this new packet and with SED (Test Sequence Designer) to create your new test sequences and try this all in the tests environments provided by Multitel (for the onboard: MRL-EVC-TB and for the track side MRL-RBC-TB). All will be integrated and you can evaluate the impact of this new packet in the standard and whether it works as you expect. The set of Standard Creation Tools gives you control of your Command and Control solution and allows you to propose solutions that will keep ERTMS interoperability and compliancy, while given you space for innovation.
Compliancy and flexibility:
MRL-SCT-LED is compatible with ERTMS, CTCS and KRTMS. Source data for the creation of the standard libraries of ERTMS for SRS 2.3.0, SRS 3.4.0 and SRS 3.6.0 as well as CTRCS L2 and CTCS L3 and KRTMS are available from Multitel. By taking the source of the current standards, you can concentrate in your innovation and use LED to just add you new packet, message, variable or even create a completely new Command and Control language, extend with ATO functionality…
(Language description for the ATO related Subsets, variables, messages and packets are available from Multitel, please inquire for quotation).
MRL-SCT-LED is available for Windows 7, 8 or 10. For other operating systems please contact us.
Extend existing ERTMS Standards:
With MRL-SCT-SED you can create your own test sequences. It is useful for adding operation test cases or extending the existing standards (ERTMS, CTCS, KRTMS…). In particular, you can create new test sequences with your new Packet 44 definitions created with MRL-SCT-LED and with your new test cases created with the complement of MRL-TCD (Test Case Designed) and you can try this all in the tests environments provided by Multitel (for the onboard: MRL-EVC-TB and for the track side MRL-RBC-TB). All will be integrated and you can evaluate the impact of this new packet in the standard and whether it works as you expect. The set of Standard Creation Tools gives you control of your Command and Control solution and allows you to propose solutions that will keep ERTMS interoperability and compliancy, while given you space for innovation.
Beyond Standards:
In addition to creating new test sequences, the MRL-SCT-SED allows the creation of:
- Observables for automatic validation.
- Automation of test sequences, so they can be run by software or controlled by the robot (this is the case of an EVC with a real DMI, receiving the data entry from a 6 axis robot available in MRL-EVC-TB).
The observable will be automatically being taken into account at the report generation by MRL-SA-TAV (MRL-SA-TAV-EVC and MRL-SA-TAV-RBC for EVC and RBC versions) and besides the *.mdb (import/export) file format supported by ERA will be extended in the MRL Test Bench with the *.MRL file format.
Compliancy and flexibility:
MRL-SCT-SED is compatible with ERTMS, CTCS and KRTMS. Source data for the creation of the standard libraries of ERTMS for SRS 2.3.0, SRS 3.4.0 and SRS 3.6.0 as well as CTCS L2 and CTCS L3 and KRTMS are available from Multitel. Sources for Subset-076, Subset-035, Subset-039, Subset-RBC (which covers IXL and RBC) are also available, as well as extension to cover missing functionality/requirements, provided with the “–MLT” extension (e.g. Subset-076 becomes Subset-076-MLT, this way exists: Subset-026-MLT, Subset-085-MLT). By taking the source of the current standards you can concentrate in your innovation and use MRL-SCT-SED to just add you new test sequence or even create a completely new Command and Control language, extend with ATO functionality..
MRL-SCT-LED is available for Windows 7, 8 or 10. For other operating systems please contact us.
The aim of this service is to provide EVC (“European Vital Computer”, the European ATP “Automatic Train Protection” or OBU “Onboard Unit”) functional tests defined in Subset-076. Equipped by the most state-of-art technology and automate tools (hardware and software) developed in-house, the EVC accredited laboratory of Multitel is capable of providing the most detailed test report in the fastest time according to the full UNISIG SUBSET-026, 076 and 094. The report provides the reasons of the failure and points out the observed values side-by-side with the expected values and shows links of the observations up to the requirement level. In case of multiplayer protocols like Euroradio protocol, our reports can show the communication layer by layer, with the protocol detailed in a human readable format. Besides functional tests, we offer also performance and reliability tests of components or equipments to railway industry for production quality control or pre-certification.
Test Campaign Duration: in our laboratory, we have delivered for both baseline 2 and baseline 3 test campaigns within 2 weeks per campaign. This includes for each test campaign: running all test sequences, validating and revalidating all test sequences and the final report according to ISO 17025.
Related Emulators: Multitel provides emulators for RBC (MRL-BCD-EMU), TSR (MRL-TSR-EMU), KMC (MRL-KMC-SS114 following Subset-114 and MRL-KMC-SS137 following Subset-137) and EVC emulators (VCD – Vital Computer Debugger: MRL-VCD-EMU).
Related Tools: MRL-SA-TAV-EVC is developed in order to perform the validation of the results of the MRL-EVC-TB. The tool takes profit from the observable database provided with the Subset-EVC-DB to guide experts in validation.
EVC Design Tools and Databases: MRL-SCT-LED, MRL-SCT-TCD and MRL-SCT-TSD are the tools created by Multitel to design, update and create test databases. The MRL-SCT-LED (Language Editor) tool is used to create the language models. The MRL-SCT-TCD (Test Case Designer) is used to create test cases. And the MRL-SCT-TSD (Test Sequence Designer) is used to create the test sequences. Thanks to the use of these tools that the Subset-EVC-DB was created. Not only limited in the creation of databases for ERTMS standards (defined in the ETCS component), they are also used for KRTMS (defined in the KRTCS-2 component) and CTCS. These databases are also available in Multitel: Subset-EVC-DB-ERTMS, Subset-EVC-DB-KRTMS and Subset-EVC-DB-CTCS for different standard versions – including the database used in Subset-076 for EVC, but extended and enhanced with traceability to requirements.

Equipped by the most state-of-art technology and automate tools (hardware and software) developed in-house, the RBC test bench of Multitel is capable of providing the most detailed test report in the fastest time according to own Subset-RBC developed in a similar was as Subset-076, but complementing the SUBSET-026. The report provides the reason of the failure and points out the observed values side-by-side with the expected values with links of the observations up to the requirement level. It addresses the communication among RBC, IXL, TSR, KMC and CTC. We offer performance and reliability tests of components or equipments to railway industry for production quality control or pre-certification.
RTMS Standard Support: MRL-RBC-TB is available in many variants, depending on the standards and baseline. The current available standards and baselines are: ERTMS Baseline 2 and 3 (both SRS 3.4.0 and 3.6.0), CTCS L2 and L3 and KRTMS.
User Configurable Automation: Besides the automation of the tests for the RTMS standards, the MRL-RBC-TB can configured by the user. This allows to run on customized test sequences or even complete lines.
Integrity and Production tests: Integrity tests can be achieved with the RBC emulator (BCD – Block Center Debugger) from Multitel. A SA-TAV server is also available (SA-TAV-SRV), with allow a large number of logs of the MRL-RBC-TB to be automatically produced, including its prefilled reports.
Standards: The MRL-RBC-TB has support to Subset-039 and its test database (e.g. MRL-RBCDB, MRL-RBC-CTCS2-DB, MRL-RBC-CTCS3-DB and/or MRL-RBC-KRTMS-DB). Additional hardware interfaces are also modular, allowing the tests with IXL, TSR, KMC, CTC …)
Related Emulators: Multitel provides emulators for EVC (VCD – Vital Computer Debugger MRL-VCD-EMU and with Licenses for 30 emulators in a single machine are available: (MRL-VCD-PK3), RBC: (MRL-BCD-EMU), JRU: (MRL-JRU-EMU), TSR: (MRL-TSR-EMU) and KMC (MRL-KMC-SS114, MRL-KMC-SS137, following Subset-114 and Subset-137).
Related Tools: MRL-SA-TAV-RBC was developed in order to perform the validation of the results of the MRL-RBC-TB and profits from the observable database provided with the Subset-RBC-DB (MRL-RBC-DB) for guided expert validation.
EVC Design Tools and Databases: MRL-SCT-LED, MRL-SCT-TCD and MRL-SCT-TSD are the tools created by Multitel to design, update and create test databases. The LED (Language Editor) tool is used to create the language models, the MRL-SCT-TCD (Test Case Designer) is used to create test cases and the MRL-SCT-TSD (Test Sequence Designer) is use to create the test sequences. It was using these tools that the Subset-EVC-DB was created. It was used to create the databases for ERTMS, KRTMS and CTCS (These databases are also available from Multitel: Subset-RBC-DB-ERTMS, Subset-RBC-DB-KRTMS and Subset-RBC-DB-CTCS for different standard versions – includes the database used in Subset-076 for EVC, but extended and enhanced with traceability to requirements).
There are two solutions for System Level tests: one in the lab and one in the track:
M-SILAB: It is the Multitel full solution for interoperability on the Lab. It can connect EVC, RBC, KMC, TMS and other modules for the complete emulation/simulation of complex environments, including different trains parameters following strict time-tables on the closest to real situations. All physical interfaces are implemented and can be tested, inspected and analysed.
MRL-EVC-LC: It is the Multitel solution for the validation of onboard units on the track. It feeds VCD with the same inputs of the onboard EVC and a dedicated tool compares the outputs, issuing warnings and errors, depending on the severity of the issue found on the device under test.
Validation on Lab: Multitel performs system level tests mixing multiple real EVC with multiple real/emulated/simulated EVC (MRL-EVC-TB), multiple real/simulated IXL and real/emulated/simulated RBC (MRL-RBC-TB). It can run a large number of trains and study not only the compatibility of the track design with the behavior of the onboard, but also validate timetables making use of different train models and passing through interlocking and RBCs of different suppliers.
Validation on Track: Real time validation of the behavior of a new onboard unit can be evaluated, allowing safer tests on new installations that have not fully been tested yet. (MRL-TRK-TAV).
Related Emulators: Multitel provides emulators for RBC (MRL-BCD-EMU), TSR (MRL-TSR-EMU) and KMC (MRL-KMC-SS114 following Subset-114 and MRL-KMC-SS137 following Subset-137) ) and EVC emulators (MRL-VCD-EMU:VCD – Vital Computer Debugger).
System Level Tests for Interoperability: Multitel has developed a SI-LAB for the purpose of System Level Tests. M-SILAB is for compatibility test according to Control Command and Signalling Technical Specifications for Interoperability (CCS TSI). It offers a complete integrated System level test solution for Rail infrastructure manager (RIM). Moreover, M-SILAB is adapted according to the own need of each RIM.

Multitel is ISO 17025 (BELAC 427-TEST) accredited for EVC test (UNISIG SUBSET-026, SUBSET-076 and SUBSET-094) and Eurobalise/BTM test (UNISIG SUBSET-036, SUBSET-085 and SUBSET-116).
The EUROBALISE/BTM (MRL-EBL-TB and MRL-BTM-TB) test bench of Multitel can perform Eurobalise/BTM tests according to full UNISIG SUBSET-036, SUBSET-085 (any version: MRL-EBL-TC for Eurobalise and MRL-BTM-TC for BTM test campaigns) and SUBSET-116 (MRL-INT-SS116). Moreover, it is fully flexible and can be adapted according to customer special needs. It is ideal to be used to test during development and pre-certification phases for Eurobalise/BTM ETCS components development. This test bench can also test a number of relevant but non mandatory Eurobalise/BTM tests.

Additional Tests: Besides the tests defined in Subset-085, Multitel offers Subset-116 and a number of additional tests that originated from investigations of problems in deployments on the track.
Beyond Standards: The Multitel Eurobalise/BTM/Interference Test Benches provide support for Eurobalises following Subset-036, Subset-085 and Subset-116 but not only. In many cases the tests performed are outside the scope of Subset-085 and Subset-116 tests. There is indeed a need to perform extra test procedures that check the compliancy with additional requirements developed by Multitel, together with Infrastructure Managers across many countries, as a result of availability issues found during operations.
Asset management of Balises in ERTMS requires a lot of effort. With the MRL-OBA (Onboard Balise Analyzer), one cannot only control the place where the balises are in the track, but also know which ones need to be repaired and provide prediction of the need to have them repaired.
The solution consists of placing the MRL-OBA on the train and passing regularly on the track record the position and ID of each balise, its content and the quality of its signal. This recorded Balise signal quality is analyzed with respect to changes of values in time and a prediction on the future potential failure is provided.
Easy Operation:
The tool is designed to provide easy operation:
- Recover the data of from the MRL-OBA antenna (from its rack) and transfer to the MRL-OBA tool (PC)
- The PC will provide on each new data upload a maintenance task list with the reason for each maintenance (failure or predicted failure – including the type of error).
Additionally the tools allow an expert to further identify the errors found.
The Subset-036 Eurobalise compliancy:
The MRL-OBA solution does not interfere with the existing air gap communication (Subset-036 and Subset-085). The OBA Antenna can be placed close to an existing BTM of ERTMS or other close implementation such as KVB antenna.
The quality check includes the following characteristics: Central Frequency, Frequency Deviation, MTIE, Jitter and power for a range of values listed below:
Performance: OBA can store balises data for up to 1 month. The Eurobalise fault prediction is available starting from at least 3 measurements of the same Balise and with at least 1 month of interval between measurements.
Beyond Standards: The Multitel Maintenance Tools provide support to Eurobalises following Subset-036 and Subset-085 for some tests, the most relevant ones, supposing that the device design was once fully certified but not only. In many cases, the tests performed are outside the scope of Subset-085 tests and indeed need extra test procedures that check the compliancy with additional requirements developed by Multitel, together with Infrastructure Managers across many countries, as a result of availability issues found during operations.
The default telegram that is programmed in a fixed Eurobalise or in a switchable Eurobalise must be easily changed and checked. The MRL-EPG is a tool that allows to program a number of Eurobalises in the market. It is not specific to a particular manufacturer, but can be configured to program a number of existing suppliers Eurobalises, with a simple charge of a programming configuration file for the specified supplier.
Easy operation: MRL-EPG can receive a task list of balises to be programmed or verified in the field. A server side program is available so prepare the content of the Eurobalise and if track side information in the MRL format is available, a consistency check not only of the content but also of some basic ERTMS engineering principles will be done in the content of the Task List of Balises to be programmed/verified in the field.
Performance: MRL-EPG can program up to 250 Eurobalises with one charge and is an independent module that can operate with any device that has WiFi and https compatible browser. It will program and verify the content of the Eurobalise, also provide a return on the uplink power.
In summary the main features are:
- Eurobalise programming and checking
- Support to multiple suppliers
- Autonomy to program 250 Eurobalises
- Support to load a Task List to guide on the field programming/verification tasks.
ERTMS Onboard Emulation and Understanding of ERTMS standard:
MRL-VCD is an emulator of an ERTMS Onboard Unit for Baseline 3 (current SRS 3.4.0 and soon SRS 3.6.0). VCD can be used to better understand how ERTMS shall be implemented, as it can be played back step by step (configurable e.g. in steps of 20ms). The Subset-026 standard tables and state diagrams can be evaluated on each step. The states can be visualized in live during execution or on play back mode at real-time speed or at higher speeds (e.g. 10x real time).
MRL-VCD can be integrated with other tools provided by Multitel, such as the ERTMS EVC test bench (MRL-EVC-TB) for Subset-076, giving to it the possibility to run full scenarios automatically. It also can be integrated with Multitel BCD (MRL-BCD-EMU – RBC Computer Debugger) which emulates the RBC and provide full ERTMS system level test and emulation environment.
MRL-VCD can also have a DMI interface for manual operation and can be instantiated a large number of times, in order to execute complex system level tests.
MRL-VCD is compatible with the DMI (MRL-DMI-EMU) and the BTM (MRL-BTM-EMU) emulators from Multitel, through the VCD interface adaptor (MRL-VCD-VIU).

MRL-VCD (Vital Computer Debugger) features:
- Provides full command and control onboard ATP emulation for ERTMS and with support to other standards soon.
- It provides emulation with full Subset-094 interface support (Hardware interfaces will need the purchase of EIU – ERTMS Interface Unit: MRL-VCD-VIU and optionally associated MRL-DMI-EMU and MRL-BTM-EMU emulators).
Compliancy and flexibility:
It provides results comparable with Subset-026 results and it is designed to work on all Subset-094 interfaces (this means a TCP/IP interface only up to a full hardware interface).
It can be connected to Multitel Juridical Unit Emulator, with data that can be visualized with Multitel JRU Visualization tool (MRL-JVT).
It supports a number of standards ERTMS Baseline 3 (MR1 – SRS 3.4.0) and soon will support ERTMS Baseline 2 (SRS 2.3.0d) and Baseline 3 (MR2 – SRS 3.6.0) and already support other ATP standards too (please consult us for more information).
Some of the numerous interfaces are shown below:

MRL-VCD is composed of:
- Computer Emulator: Software emulation of the ERTMS standard for the onboard (EVC – European Vital Computer), compatible with Subset-094. It is connectable to the MRL-EIU-EVC (ERTMS Interface Unit). The EIU provides TIU, ODO, JRU, Euroloop and Balise interfaces (provided as an option and modular).
- DMI – It provides a software emulator of the DMI (Driver Machine Interface). It works without the DMI , with a functional interface of API (based on Subset-094).
- debugging the ERTMS standard : VCD provides a detailed view of the transition matrices, internal state machines and tables of rules of the Subset-026 standard. It allows to easily understand the decisions necessary to implement a working EVC (European Vital Computer) unit.

ERTMS Onboard Emulation and Understanding of ERTMS standard:
MRL-BCD is an emulator of a Radio Block Center (RBC). BCD can be used to better understand how ERTMS shall be implemented.
MRL-BCD can be integrated with other tools provided by Multitel, such as the ERTMS EVC test bench (MRL-EVC-TB) for Subset-076, giving to it the possibility to run full scenarios automatically. It also can be integrated with Multitel VCD (MRL-VCD-EMU – EVC Emulator) which emulates the EVC and provide full ERTMS system level test and emulation environment.

MRL-BCD (Block Center Debugger – RBC Emulator) features:
- Supports Subset-026 and Subset-039 among others.
- Can communicate with KMS (MRL-KMC-SS114, MRL-KMC-SS137), TMS (MRL-TMS-EMU) and TSR (MRL-TSR-EMU).
Compliancy and flexibility:
It provides results comparable with Subset-026 and Subset-039 results.
It supports a number of standards ERTMS Baseline 3 (MR1 – SRS 3.4.0) and soon will support ERTMS Baseline 2 (SRS 2.3.0d) and Baseline 3 (MR2 – SRS 3.6.0) and already support other RTMS standards too (please consult us for more information).
Key Management System – Key management Centre Emulator
The MRL-KMS – KMC solutions is provided in two formats:
Offline: MRL- KMS – KMC – SS114 implementing Subset-114
Online: MRL- KMS – KMC – SS137 implementing Subset-137
Compliancy and flexibility:
It provides results comparable with Subset-114 and Subset-137 results.
It supports a number of standards ERTMS Baseline 3 (MR1 – SRS 3.4.0) and Baseline 3 (MR2 – SRS 3.6.0) and already support other RTMS standards too (please consult us for more information).
Juridical Recording Unit Emulator
The MRL-JRU-EMU is an emulator of JRU for ERTMS Baseline 2 and 3.
Associated tools:
- MRK-JRU-DWN – it is a tool for the download of the JRU data following Subset-027
- MRL-JRU-VWR – JRU Visualisation Tool
MRL-JRU-EMU acts as a JRU for a number of different suppliers, however it shall be delivered for a not yet implemented protocol or by one suggested by Multitel.
MRL-JRU-VWR is a tool that allows the visualisation of the JRU data as well systematically testing the JRU data for a number of requirements such as the regular interval of JRU recordings, linking information consistency, position report accuracy check. It allows the comparison of the DMI data with the reconstruction of JRU data (only for ERTMS Baseline 3) and the possibility of exporting train parameters for emulation on MRL-VCD-EMU or simulation on MRL-EVC-TB or MRL-RBC-TB.
Supported Interfaces: TCP/IP and RS-485 or RS-422 (other interfaces available on demand e.g. MVB, Profibus).
Compliancy and flexibility:
It provides results comparable with Subset-027 results.
It supports a number of standards ERTMS Baseline 2 (SRS 2.3.0), ERTMS Baseline 3 (MR1 – SRS 3.4.0), Baseline 3 (MR2 – SRS 3.6.0), CTCS L2 and L3 and KRTMS and among other RTMS standards.
The MRL-DMI-EMU is an emulator of DMI for ERTMS Baseline 3. It supports only capacitive input. It uses a candidate standard protocol for the communication between EVC and DMI.
Supported Interfaces: TCP/IP and RS-485 or RS-422 (other interfaces available on demand e.g. MVB, Profibus).
Compliancy and flexibility:
It is compliant with ERA_ERTMS_015560 v340 standard.
Interlocking Emulator: The MRL-IXL-EMU is an emulator of IXL for ERTMS Baseline 3. It can be connected to the MRL Test Benches (MRL-EVC-TB and MRL-RBC-TB) and the Traffic Management (MRL-TMS-EMU), Key Management Center (MRL-KMC-SS114, MRL-KMC-SS137). Temporary Speed Restriction (MRL-TSR-EMU) and a large number of Lineside Electronic Units (MRL-LEU-EMU).
Associated Emulators:
- MRL-TMS-EMU – Multitel’s Traffic Management System
- MRL-TSR-EMU – Multitel’s Temporary Speed Restriction Emulator
- MRL-KMC-EMU – Multitel’s Key Management Center Emulator
- MRL-LEU-EMU – Multitel’s Lineside Electronic Units Emulator
Supported Interfaces: TCP/IP and RS-485 or RS-422 (other interfaces available on demand e.g. MVB, Profibus).
Compliancy and flexibility: It is compliant with proprietary standards (with the exception of MRL-KMC-EMU) of 4 large suppliers, but only available for new protocols or under authorisation of the current supported suppliers.