Loop Transmission Module (LTM) Tests (SUBSET-103)
Accredited 17025 Tests since 2021
The SUBSET-103 defines the specific set of verifications required for certification of conformity and suitability for use for all the Euroloop Subsystem (ELS) data transmission products, as specified in SUBSET-044.
These constituents of the ELS are the Trackside Equipment and the On-board Equipment integrated with the transmission functionality of the overall On-board ATP/ATC equipment. The verifications dealt within this Norm are aimed at ensuring full and safe interoperability between Trackside and On-board equipment of any supplier. The “Euroloop” denomination can only identify those commercial products that have got certification of conformity compliance, based on the test requirements of the present Norm, by an officially recognized body.
This Norm specifies:
- Detailed functional and non-functional test requirements for the ELS, identified as a basic trackside constituent of interoperability. A special focus is given to the air-gap interface, where the ELS Trackside Equipment interacts with the On-board Equipment.
- A set of functional and non-functional test requirements for the transmission parts of the Onboard Equipment that is deemed indispensable for the purpose of interoperability. Also in this case, a special focus is given to the air-gap interfaces, where the On-board Antenna Unit interacts with the trackside ELC.