ERTMS Test Benches developed by Multitel will be deployed and used in the United Kingdom from year 2022

Atkins Limited (Part of the SNC Lavalin group of companies), in conjunction with Multitel, the global leader in European Train Control System (ETCS) test equipment, has been awarded a contract by Network Rail to design, deliver and operate the UK’s national ETCS Test Verification, Validation and Integration Laboratory (Test Facility) for 10 years.
Multitel is the main technological provider for the Test Facility. Atkins is the leading independent signalling systems integrator and testing services provider in the UK. This first of a kind facility will extend the two companies’ UK Rail industry integration services which ranges from operational signalling fault diagnostics, product acceptance and systems integration of ETCS signalling deployments in the UK.
The Test Facility aims to enable the deployment of the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) across the UK and enhance interoperability of the deployment program.
The Test Facility is mainly based on Multitel’s System Integration Lab (M-SILAB), provided by Multitel. The M-SILAB proposes a harmonised process and test tools for system level tests using automation (which reduces human factors and errors), standardised trials (standardised protocols) and an operational monitoring system.
The current version of ETCS System Compatibility Test (ESC) which is applied in several European countries is regarded as insufficient due to lack of harmonisation. The M-SILAB, through its Subset-ESC proposed by Multitel, will cover much wider test ranges than the IOP (Interoperability testing) principles (Subset-110, Subset-111 and Subset-112). The Test Facility is also flexible enough for new updates or upgrades, so it is compatible with the next generation of digital signalling technology (FRMCS, ATO and C-DAS). This is a key advantage of Multitel’s test solution.
Multitel’s ETCS test solutions have been widely used in Europe and worldwide (Unisig and non-Unisig suppliers and railway infrastructure managers). Multitel’s test solutions are not limited to ERTMS standard. They have been adapted for use in Korea (Korean Train Control System) and China (Chinese Train Control System).
Multitel is an ISO17025 accredited laboratory by BELAC (427-TEST) for a series of ETCS test:
Located in Mons, Belgium, Multitel is a research centre specialized in Information and Communications Technology (ICT). Multitel’s activities focus in applied photonics, signal processing, embedded systems, optimisation, computer vision, network management and railway certification. Multitel enlarges its activities to new applications: Smart Cities, Industry 4.0, Intelligent Transport Systems.
Rue Pierre et Marie Curie 2, 7000 Mons, Belgium
Contact: (Ms) Lan HONG
Direct line: +32 65 34 2884
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