Accredited 17025 Tests since 2013
The EUROBALISE/BTM (MRL-EBL-TB and MRL-BTM-TB) test bench of Multitel can perform Eurobalise/BTM tests according to full UNISIG SUBSET-036, SUBSET-085 (any version: MRL-EBL-TC for Eurobalise and MRL-BTM-TC for BTM test campaigns) and SUBSET-116 (MRL-INT-SS116). Moreover, it is fully flexible and can be adapted according to customer special needs. It is ideal to be used to test during development and pre-certification phases for Eurobalise/BTM ETCS components development. This test bench can also test a number of relevant but non mandatory Eurobalise/BTM tests.
Additional Tests: Besides the tests defined in Subset-085, Multitel offers Subset-116 and a number of additional tests that originated from investigations of problems in deployments on the track.
Beyond Standards: The Multitel Eurobalise/BTM/Interference Test Benches provide support for Eurobalises following Subset-036, Subset-085 and Subset-116 but not only. In many cases the tests performed are outside the scope of Subset-085 and Subset-116 tests. There is indeed a need to perform extra test procedures that check the compliancy with additional requirements developed by Multitel, together with Infrastructure Managers across many countries, as a result of availability issues found during operations.