Accredited 17025 Tests Since 2021
Multitel provides system level test bench (M-SILAB) for ETCS System level test following Subset-ESC. Our dedicated Test Bench is called M-SILAB. The M-SILAB can be used to validate interoperability and compatibility relating to control-command and signalling subsystems of the rail system in Europe and and it’s compatible with worldwide (KTCS/CTCS).
According to era_td-011rec1028_esc-rsc_technical_document_en.pdf (, which is a technical document prepared by the European Union Agency for Railways with the sets of checks for “ESC/RSC types” based on information received from Infrastructure Managers in accordance with the provisions and of Annex A of the CCS TSI [1], TSI is requesting to perform assessment of the railway lines. REFERENCES Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/919 of 27 May 2016 on the technical specification for interoperability relating to control-command and signalling subsystems of the rail system in the European Union (OJ L158, 15.6.2016, p.1.) and its amendments (At the time of publishing this document, the latest amendment is Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/387 of 10 March 2020 (OJ L73, 10.3.2020, p. 6.)
An harmonization process using tools (MSILAB) and methods (ISO17025) is required:
• to reduce testing human factors -> automation
• to embark over train and track -> using standardized trials
• to support migration strategy -> agnostic regarding suppliers
• to reduce testing issues -> operational monitoring system
• to maintain railway systems over a long period
ETCS System Compatibility (ESC) shall be the recording of technical compatibility between ETCS onboard and the trackside ETCS part of the CCS subsystems within an area of use.
An “ESC type” is the value assigned to record the technical compatibility between an ETCS on-board subsystem and a section within an area of use.
All sections of the Union network which require the same set of checks for the demonstration of ESC shall have the same ESC type.
MSILAB was designed explicitly with the aim to support the RECORD function and is as easy as clicking on a RECORD button to acquire evicences of technical compatibility.
Each record is then validated using the same formalism and traceability used in the component test (Ss076 and SsRBC(c)).
Moreover, MSILAB was designed with extended flavor on top of the present IOP technology in order to perform trials beyond what IOP offers today (degraded cases, selection of dynamic parameters required for UUT, to be in condition to test scenarios which IOP cannot cover such as inclusion of radio hole, On-sight or all actuations not included in start of mission procedure, realistic actuation related to national systems trials to support transition from national systems to etcs, …)
Come and talk with us if you need more information about MSILAB and its capabilities.